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The Juan Fernandez Islands are a group of islands in the Pacific with around 1,000 inhabitants. It consists of Robinson Crusoe Island, Alejandro Selkirk Island and Santa Clara Island. Politically, the entire territory belongs to South American Chile.

All islands are of volcanic origin and, due to their remoteness, are home to a rich biodiversity of plants. The rare plants include giant ferns, sandalwood and over 120 species of orchids.

The Juan Fernandez Islands have a mild climate all year round with a tropical mountain landscape and a desert-like coast.

The highest point in the entire archipelago is on Alejandro Selkirk, at 1,329 meters high.

The most important and most visited island by tourists is Robinson Crusoe Island. The island has around 900 inhabitants, most of whom are from the Juan Fernandez archipelago, while only around 70 people live on Alejandro Selkirk.

The economy of Robinson Crusoe Island, measuring 12 by 3 kilometers, is based primarily on tourism and lobster fishing. Due to the several thousand Juan Fernandez goats living on the island, butter and cheese are also produced there for personal use.

At 915 meters, the mountain “Cerro El Yunique” is the highest peak on the South Pacific island, which is approximately 650 kilometers from the Chilean mainland.

The main town of Robinson Crusoe is San Juan Bautista with around 700 inhabitants. The most important sights on the Pacific island include the fortress of St. Barbara, the Catholic church, the small cemetery, two breweries for the relatively few residents, the cultural meeting point “Maranostrum” and the two grenades of the former warship stuck in the rock face “ SMS Dresden”.

Due to the species-rich surrounding underwater world, Robinson Crusoe Island is becoming increasingly popular, especially among diving tourists.

I haven't been to the Juan Fernandez Islands yet.

A visit there is not planned for the time being.

Hence no photos!